Generally, different crystals will be gently placed over your energy centres (or chakras) to assist in balancing the vibrational energy being emitted by the chakras, during the session. This brings your energy into a beautiful balance and affects the mind, body and soul in a calming way, allowing you to enjoy complete relaxation and you to begin the healing process.
I have a vast array of crystals- Selenite, black touramline and clear quartz(aka The Master Healer) being my three favorites to work with.
What happens during a crystal healing session?
You will lay on a comfortable therapy bed and be covered with a cosy blanket during the session. Relaxing music is played during the session. You are fully clothed during the session.
I heal intuitively so I may get drawn to a particular part of the body, where I will pay more attention to , during the session. If I "find" any "problem areas" I will tell you straight after the session.
An oracle card is pulled after the session ( this is optional).
Investment: £30 ( 60 mins including a short consultation, post treatment discussion and oracle card( optional)) .
Please contact me to book or for further details.