Do you have a part of your home that feels "off" or uncomfortable?
Certain rooms in the home you dont like going in?
FInding it difficult to sell your home?
Having problems with your sleep pattern,and other health issues?
Buildings absorb the energy of the owners (users) and will hold onto it and all types of energy will be built up over many years, including that of a detrimental nature to its occupants.
Peoples emotions of pain, suffering, fights, negative thought patterns, chronic stress,depression, substance or alcohol abuse and aggressive feelings will manifest as energetic imprints on the fabirc of a building (in the carpets, furniture and walls and in its atmosphere) as these "settle" and linger if not cleared.
In addiiton to human imprints, there is also consideration for spirit activity and outside influences that may affect your living/working space, including psychic attack- people's negative/jealous thougths and feeling towards you.
There are many different things that can create disharmony in a home but some important ones to be considered which may affect a home are below
Geopathic stress
The Earths magnetic field and underground water veins and paths plays a large part in the 'physical' lines. The earth's magnetic field radiates out to the surface and both humans and animals are sensitive to this energy field.
On its way from the core, the magnetic field passes through underground veins of water, minerals,layers of rock,sediment and fault lines. These will change the energy it in a subtle way and arrive on the planets surface as an energy that can disrupt the human energy field in a detrimental way. One name for this is "geopathic stress".
Animals are very sensitive to energy changes and presences, as well as the people living in a house.
These effects will be often subconcious for sometime before they manifest as physical or emotional symptoms( headaches/high emotions etc) .
Technopathic Stress
In this modern world, we have technopathic stress which is a very new phenomenon that has only arisen recently as a result of our use of gadgets and technology.
We- in the modern world -now live in asea of EMF's (electromagnetic frequencies), microwave, radio-frequencies from mobile phone masts, ‘smart’ meters, Wi-Fi networks and other technology. We have ‘dirty electricity’ from transformers, power lines, electrical items in the home etc.
Many scientific studies, suggest that chronic exposure to these electro-magnetic fields can affect the immune system and cause serious health problems such as poor sleep patterns, depression, and headaches.
If we live or work in any of these partuclar energy disturbances or imblalances, they can affect us both physically and/or mentally. Some of them can actually make us quite ill.
Portals and Energy Spirals
Most homes and spaces will have at least 1 portal ( dont worry, you wont physically dissapear into another dimension!).
A portal is basically, a specific "point" of very active energy, they can sometimes be a gateway connecting the physical world to the spiritual world. They are naturally occurring energy centres on the earth (like chakras in your body).
Portals are created where there is a concentrated flow of energy, such as ley lines, gravitational differences, energy lines crossing with each other, Because of the powerful vortex of energy created, most ancient sacred sites
are located where ley lines (aka Dragon lines) cross over making use fo the powerful energy located there.
In our homes we can create portals (mainly unintentionally) with mirrors, water, rugs, artwork, doorways and stairs.
Energy coming through a portal can have a positive or negative influence on people and events in the area around it.
Positive portals will increase your physical health, creativity, and you may increase psychic abilities.
Negative energy portals can create headaches, nausea, and bad luck. but not everyone will feel its effects.
Portals can open and close naturally due to energy movement on the Earth.
You could have a detrimental energy spiral somewhere in the home caused by detrimental earth energy lines crossing together. If these are in rooms like bedrooms this can cause illness and sleep problems.
There are many other things that can be identified during the investgation of a home.
What can be achieved by having a space clearing?
A space clearing (sometimes called house healing) can detect and clear those energies that are detrimentally affecting our everyday lives.
Removing energetic blockages in a home/work environment can often allow you to move forward with your life goals. It can improve your personal relationships with those living (or working) in the space you’re in, and in turn, your interactions with those in your wider family/social/work circles.
It will harmonise the space you spend time in, leading to a calmer and happier existence and leaving you with living/working in a positive energy space.
What happens during a space clearing?
I will connect to the energy of your space and those individuals living in it and will assertain what type of energy is adversly affecting you. This is done remotely (without me being physically present) and by adopting the dowsing method. Once completed, I wil provide a full written "findings report" where options will be discussed with regards to the clearing stage.
The 4 stages :
What is remote ?
Everything in the universe is made up of energy and has a vibrational frequency (including the human body).
I can connect with the energy and vibrational frequency of your home and all the people living in it and detect then clear any detrimental energies I may find. The method is a spiritual process and is sent by thought, emotion and intention as it extremely effective for this type of "work". It is the same as sending long distance healing or me doing an Oracle card reading for someone. I can connect to anyones energy and indeed any places energy, anywhere in the world.
How long will each dowsing, investigation and clearing take?
Each enquiry involving dowsing/investigation/diagnostic report and clearing can take anywhere up to 4-5 hrs and is depending on a myriad different factors as every space will be different with different needs and requirements -there are many facets to an investigation, including discussions, problem solving, clearing and advice.
After the clearing, I will contact you a few days afterwards to see how things are feeling, followed by another contact few weeks after at no extra charge.
How much does it cost?
Investigation Pricing:
Initial online/ emails consultation FREE
Investigation/dowsing/Reports (average time taken will take in the region of 3hrs for 1-4 bed home/garden)
NB: Timing may vary. depending on size of property and issues discussed.
* Please contact me for pricing details *
There are 2 methods with which this can take place
Personal visit to the address:
Average home (1- 4 bed – taking approx 2 hrs)
NB: time may vary depending what issues are found and require dealing with.
Includes set up for the Clearing Ceremony, 3 physical journeys around the property which is as follows
Initial clearing( with sound infusion) , smudging ( burning of herbs) and healing session(infusing of positive energy into each room) and general words of advice as necessary.
Remote clearing:
This method is chosen by around 80% of clients, as it is more convenient in this modern day with everyone’s busy lives in addition to it being convenient if I live some distance away from the client.
Remote clearing entails checking the floorplan of your home or space , and healing it from my work space in a controlled, remote setting.
In the same way that Reiki healing works in sending distance healing to people, your home can be healed remotely with Reiki energy and positive intention.
I will consider travelling up to 50 miles if a client prefers/requires a face to face/ visit. This will incur mileage costs over 20 miles radius.
Average home (1-3 bed- taking up to 2 hrs) at 45p a mile.
Pricing( Please contact me for pricing details)
Home Blessings
A blessing is a beautiful way to clear and introduce new energy and intention into a new area (home/ home office/therapy room etc) for a particular purpose.
I recently carried out a Blessing Ceremony of a new therapy studio for a local reflexologists business. This included drumming in a circle (with clients' invited participants ) a smudging (clearing the air with sage ), a blessing in spoken word to set the intentions for the new space and oracel cards.
House Blessings/ Business space Blessings
Local blessings (up to 25 mile radius) Blessing length 30-45 mins ( I will need 30 min set up period and extra time to pack away)
Total time I may be there is 2-2.5 hrs approx . Contact me to discuss your ideas of what options you would like during your ceremony
From £55
Any further afield please contact me to discuss.